
Mental Performance

Training to Win the Mental Game : Grace under Pressure

Bauer Consulting offers powerful programs built on proven high performance sport psychology used successfully for elite endeavors in sport and business. No single element of success is more important to us than learning. These programs engage those involved to learn--training and flexing their mental approach like muscles so that the mind strengthens. Programs for both Corporate and Athletic alike are customized to each specific situation and offered as seminars or on-going programs specific to the desired outcome. Habits of top performers in all walks of excellence such as sport, art, music, medicine and business serve as inspiration for these lessons.

Mental Skills Programs for Business

Executive as Athlete:

A model program for executives to achieve clarity and balance under situations of high pressure, built upon the same principles which drive elite athletes to achieve. Personalized planning for individuals and small leadership groups.


Executive and Corporate Team Building:

Seminars and programs which bring together groups to function more effectively as a unit. Work flow, communication and responsibilities are strengthened and clarified by the experiences of team building as each member gains understanding and respect for their peers through this unique program.


Executive and Corporate Visionary Goal Setting:

Using the same principles which push Olympians and elite performers to succeed, this program helps guide businesses to define, communicate and set goals which are measurable and achievable and will become the targets which drive their business.

Mental Skills for Sport

These skills are the keys to performing under pressure. Grace under pressure is what we strive to help everyone achieve. These programs are offered individually but also work so well in combination as the athlete is always supported by a coach and often parent. Take a giant leap forward with your Mental Skills training. This program teaches the skills used successfully by the world's top performers and will unlock successful performances and new levels of achievement. Common topics include: Focus, Goal Setting, Imagery, Facing Stress and Performance under Pressure.

The Elite Mind: Mental Skills for the Athlete

A customized program designed to help guide athletes to maximize their physical abilities through consciously improved mental skills put together in a methodical approach.


The Elite Mind: Mental Skills for the Coach

Understanding how to access the best mental approach and focus with your athletes will make results soar. This program educates coaches on Mental Skills, reading their athletes and connecting. It can be tailored to work as an educational program or specifically with an athlete in your program.


The Elite Mind: Mental Skills for the Parent

The parent is often the missing link needed to help an athlete break through. They know their child deeply and often provide valuable insights to the coach and athlete. However it is easy to become caught in the middle at times. This program will help parents focus on the right elements necessary for Mental Success and communication and will safeguard them against unknowingly putting my pressure on their child. The knowledge provided will allow the parent to feel confident in their role.